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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Just Do It

     Growing up, the shoe company Nike had the promotional line, “Just Do It”. I always knew what it implied, but it wasn’t until I was older that I understood it.
I am a very independent person and seldom think about other people. This is something I continually have to work on. When Stephanie and I first got married our first few months were rough for the fact that I couldn’t figure out that two really do become one. I never realized how great our relationship could be until I learned that I should love her better than I loved myself. Even after those first few months I would go through cycles of forgetting and remembering that virtue. In those times of forgetfulness I realized that I was saying I should do that, but not doing it.
I challenge you to out love each other in your relationship. If you truly do this for no reason other than pure love, you will be happier than you could have hoped and dreamed. If you do this because you expect things in return you will be fighting a losing battle. There is no score in love; there is no end goal, except to love your neighbor as yourself.
In life it is very easy to complain about something when we aren’t involved.
It’s much easier to sit on the sidelines and in the bleachers of life, telling someone how that play should have been made. Far easier than it is to strap on the pads and slug it out on the field of life. I believe you will find life more fulfilling if you get involved.
Get involved in your local church and in your local community.
       A group to get involved in is the One Campaign ( They are out there to fight extreme poverty and preventable disease in the world. Life isn’t a privilege and neither is health. It is a right and we must do whatever we can to help those in need.
     Another group I think of would be Convoy of Hope ( They are feeding thousands of children and people a day. They are helping in disasters and they partner with the local church across the country in outreaches for those in need.
     Mother Teresa said, ”If you can’t feed a hundred people, than feed one.” Don’t let life just float on by. Make a difference. Make a difference in your family, in your community, in your church, in your business, in all areas of your life. It wasn’t until I started trying to live for other people and other things that I have felt the most fulfilled and a true joy in my life.
       Don’t get me wrong; I don’t have it figured out and I’m not perfect. I’m not even good about doing it all the time. But we all have to start somewhere. It says in the Bible we must die to self before we can truly live.
     Here’s the challenge. It’s easy to say it and agree with it. I challenge you to actually do it.
I challenge myself to not just say it, but to just do it.


  1. An excellent word. Thank you for this.

  2. Wow. He goes deep...throws a long ball and scores!
    Great post Stephen!
