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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Frankie and the Nature Center

     I grew up in Chicago, IL. To be more specific, I grew up in Mount Prospect, IL. It is a northwest suburb of Chicago about 30 minutes outside of the city. I loved going downtown, I loved working downtown, and I feel more at home in the city than any other place. You can drive for 10 minutes and have driven through 5 suburbs.
     After college I took a job in Springfield, MO. I always claimed that I would never live in Missouri. Like any arrogant urbanite I called it “misery”.
       It took a little while, but I learned from my ignorance and enjoy the culture and lifestyle of the south. I realize this isn’t the Deep South, but this is the south nonetheless.
One of the things I learned to appreciate is the outdoors. I love the outdoors of the city, but hadn’t been a true fan of the wooded outdoors. I’m not a fan of insects that are mutated into aliens, poison ivy, or anything of the sort. I found out once leaving the smog that I am allergic to clean air. I have severe allergies in Missouri, which makes it unpleasant at times.
            Recently Stephanie and I have gone to the Nature Center to walk with Frankie on my days off. The nature center is a woodsy conservation area with walking trails.
     Stephanie has said that she prayed God would use Frankie, even as a baby. That prayer became evident to me at the Nature Center.
     Frankie has been measured above the 97 percentile at her doctor’s visits. At the nature center I carry her in a baby Bjorn. Three miles with a 25-pound bowling ball strapped to your stomach is pretty tiring. Yes, I’m sure those in the military have carried more for longer. Yes, I’m sure you, in whatever you do, have as well. Congratulations.
       As we walk around the trail Frankie faces out so she can look around. Anytime someone comes near she kicks her legs, flails her arms, squeals, smiles, and claps her hands. It doesn’t matter if people were in intense conversation or having a bad day, after that interaction everyone would smile, laugh, and comment about how adorable she is. Which she is.
     This proved that Frankie is her mother’s daughter as she is far more personable than myself. But then I thought what could I do that in every interaction people are encouraged and blessed. There is a saying that we should leave people better than they were when we met them. Plato says, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.“
This is something I am not good at. As I typed that a choir of people just said "amen". I’m not proud of this, nor is it something I enjoy. In the journey of life if you aren’t continually checking what can be improved in yourself you head towards decay. Decay equals death.
In all you do be encouraged and blessed.

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