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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

You're Right and So Am I...

   In 2011, I was invited to fly out to Winston-Salem, NC to listen to the Martin MLA speaker system with Special Event Services(SES). While out there I had dinner with Jim Brammer (SES), Greg Slape (SES), Scott Ragsdale (Willow Creek), and Ron Cook (Willow Creek). It was a fascinating and flowing conversation about all things production, common trends in the industry and church today, as well as personal histories in music, concerts, and production. Outside of all of the laughing there were several moments that left me to think and reflect on the conversation.
   Scott Ragsdale pointed out that the majority of posts and articles he had been reading claimed how right they were and how detrimental to our field that can be. I'm sorry to say, but what works for you may not work for me. What you find awesome, I may have found awesome ten years ago. In everything I write and say, I hope that I can portray what we've done, how it worked for us, and how I don't have all the answers. It's great to research and see what other people do, but the day you think you've arrived and that there is no better way is the day you have officially said you no longer want to investigate and learn, which means you have flat lined in your forward momentum and creativity.
   Working where I do, I receive a lot of calls from sales reps for every product you can fathom or imagine. The typical response for someone trying to sell something in this industry is to tell me how it's better than everything else and they have the best price. In my opinion, nothing out there is the best. All there is is what works for an application. 
   With art being as subjective as it is, what you like I may hate and what you hate I may like. Neither is right, it's preference. There are speakers that I love that I would never use in certain situations. There are speakers I don't like that are perfect for other applications. Instead of thinking in terms of best product, we should shift to thinking of best in terms of situation. Every sales rep has a certain company they will or can work with, so with that in mind, they will find that to be the best product out there. Sadly, in a lot of situations, sales is about the units sold, not the best for you.
   Another thing that makes the law of I'm right and you're wrong a terrible outlook is the context of the situation. What one place might do as trendy and hip, another place may have done five years ago. Style and fashion is a cyclical industry. What was worn in one decade, made fun of in another decade, is now hip, trendy, and chic in this decade.
   So my resolve is this, please don't tell me you have "the" answer or "best" product. We are all right in most degrees as it depends on context and preference. Don't be discouraged, continue to change, shape, and make better whatever you resolve your vision and direction to be. Continue to strive for excellence and research new and better ways to do what you are doing. Humility will bring you much further than pride. Know who you are, what you are to accomplish, and work to the best of your ability.

May you be encouraged in blessed in all that you do. Would love your thoughts or comments below. Feel free to tweet, post, or send along.


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