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Monday, March 28, 2011

Writers Write

I’ve read a lot of books, blogs, posts, and articles on the fact that writers write. That is why I am doing this. I am not an accomplished, world-renowned writer. Yet…
Just kidding. I’m not sure I’ll ever get there, but I enjoy it, and will continue to do it.
     The reason I like that phrase is it is true in everything. Diane Hood recommended Malcolm Gladwell’s book called Outliers. It’s about the story of success. One of the many points in it that I gleaned was the 10,000-hour rule. It’s funny, because before reading this book I had never heard about it. Since I’ve read the book I’ve read three other books reference it.
Now that would be astounding if I were the average American that doesn’t read more than one book a year. Right now I’ve been plowing through about four to six books a month. Not because I have nothing better to do, I just love reading.
     It’s one thing to say you are something, but if you don’t practice it then you are just a poser. Just because I am doing this blog doesn’t mean I consider myself a writer, but I do hope that it makes me a better writer. I’ve written a screenplay. I probably won’t consider myself a screenwriter until I’ve sold one, but I will continue to write them anyway.
I couldn’t have done it on my own. My friend and former roommate in college was my literary editor and collaborator on it. It would have been mediocre at best without him. Another friend from college became my format editor. I learned a lot from them, but have more to learn.
     It’s easy to do something and then move onto the next. But I challenge you to get better at what it is you do and keep working at it.
     That means you should do things to help you along with the process. Things like attending conferences or seminars, getting mentors, practicing, and sacrificing. Don’t ever settle, but push yourself.
You won’t attain perfection. Only one man in humanity was able to do that, but he had a leg up being God. Something may be good; celebrate that, enjoy the moment, but the next day work at making it better. If we don’t look to improve we settle.
     Of course there comes a time when you have to call something good and move on, but don’t be premature in that. It’s hard as a creator, innovator, or collaborator to allow others in and let them take a peek. Don’t take it personal, as they are not knocking you. They are helping. Even when you know that ahead of time you will still have to resist the urge to call them dumb and pull back. Don’t give up; don’t give in. Push on and make it better.
     So here’s this mediocre writer pressing on…

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