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Friday, March 25, 2011

Brain Vomit

     In college I had a friend. Surprising to some, I know. By that you would infer the fact that I am an independent, isolationist. In other words, I’m not great with relating to other people. I don’t write that off as it being okay. Don’t get me wrong I try too. I just don’t always succeed. By the grace of God I have a fabulous, gorgeous wife and a beautiful, entertaining daughter.
   So, I start again. In college I had a friend. We would say what we wanted and sometimes it bordered on insanity. We decided to label it as brain vomit.
   I’ve started this as an outlet for my mind and my writing. The heading of this is brain vomit because in all actuality this is going to culminate in whatever comes out of my mind. So you could say that my brain is vomiting.
   I know if my mom ever reads “Brain Vomit” she will think that is disgusting, but there are a lot of things in life that are disgusting. Like the time my little girl went to the bathroom all over me while I was changing her diaper. She wasn’t more than a couple weeks old. Not her fault. Nevertheless, disgusting. You should know that I am a germaphobe and have OCD. My wife says she can still see my face when I walked out of Frankie Jane’s room after the incident. I’m glad I can’t see my face. It was horrifying.
   Let this just serve as an introduction. You now know what you are getting into when you read this. I promise, it won’t all be like an episode of Seinfeld, where it has no reason. But I can’t always guarantee that.
   Until next time…


  1. Thought it would be fun to be the first to comment. :) I look forward to you vomiting more frequently. I think it would be good for you. And make you feel better. And I always enjoy it! I know, so sweet. And terribly disgusting. Love ya!!!


  2. I must say that I will enjoy the interludes into the mind of one I love. I also feel at times it is good for the innerman to vomit then let it go. Always makes me feel better. Maybe I will even get a loo into the mind of a remarkable man. Jimi aka dad.
