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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Frankie the Revolutionist (Happy 1st Birthday)

Dear Frankie,

You’ve turned one year old, and they weren’t joking that this times goes fast.
You’ve taught me so much in your first year. You are a revolutionary for the fact that you’ve revolutionized my life.
The thought of kids scared me to begin with. Growing up as the youngest I never had younger siblings. So it took awhile for the idea of kids to grow on me. But then it took three years and a miscarriage before it finally happened. I had more growing up to do and needed to make some things right before the Lord knew I would be ready. And now, thankfully, I have you. I also know that if it hadn’t taken that amount of time, we might not have had you, and that thought disturbs me.
I couldn’t have asked for a better first child, but the thought of a girl scared me. I’m a man’s man and didn’t know how the girl thing would work, but the Lord knew what he was doing, for if I had had a boy first I would have been a harder parent. I don’t lack in discipline, but I would have probably been too harsh. But since you own me around your little finger you’ve worked on me like no son could have. You see, you’ve taught me what true compassion is and how to care about others.
Having you also opened my eyes to a truer concept of God’s love. Because anyone that can send his son to bare the ultimate punishment of every person’s sin and die the cruelest death can show no greater love. I can’t even comprehend the thought of turning my back on you as you suffer someone else’s debt.
You’ve taught me there is every reason to be open minded and to be as curious as I used to be with every experience. To abandon the jadedness and cynicism for the idea of what fun life can be. This one is a work in progress, but you’ve started me down the path. And I can’t thank you enough for that.
You’ve taught me that life is not all about myself. In order to be a good parent I’ve learned that selfishness needs to cease, or at least decrease. I’m not perfect at this, but I’m working hard to make sure this is true in my life.
Frankie, I want you to always remember this. I love you and always will.
As you get older, even now at times, I am going to frustrate the snot out of you (your mom can tell you about this first hand), but I will always love you. You won’t be perfect and you will make mistakes, but I will always love you. You won’t hit the mark, and you might disappoint me at times, but I will always love you. There is never a time you can’t talk to me, there is nothing you can do that you can’t tell me. I love you and I always will.
I’ll say right now, the mistakes I make as a father, I’m sorry. I will always try my best, but I too will never be perfect.
You are the apple of my eye; you are the delight of my heart, and I can’t be thankful enough that you are in my life. To many more years, adventures, dances, naps, play times, meals, and times I can’t comprehend at this moment. I love you and I always will.

 Your Dad